You Want to Get a Job Seeker Visa in Germany? Here’s How I Did it!

Josh Hofstad
2 min readDec 25, 2019

Looking to jump-start your career in Germany but don’t know where to begin? Lucky for you, now is the time because Germany passed The Skilled Immigration Act on June 28th, 2019. This Act makes it easier for skilled professionals to move to and find a job in Germany. Check this article out if you’re wondering if you fall into the “Skilled Professional” category Germany is looking for.

Back to my initial question; which, if you're still reading, can be assumed that you are in fact interested in obtaining a job seeker visa. With that being said, I have some great news for you, I went through this exact process, so I can help!

You basically have two options to obtain a German job seeker visa:

1. You can apply from abroad, or…

2. You can apply from within Germany

If you would like to apply from abroad, you can find the nearest German embassy or consulate here. You can then skip to Step 3 to see what you will need to complete and bring to your appointment.

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